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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781475808308
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 168 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2014
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Sociocultural Issues in Physical Education: Case Studies for Teachers is useful to a wide range of individuals interested in increasing their sociocultural awareness and knowledge in order to consider how students experiences are shaped in and through physical education classes. This book may be especially useful to teacher candidates and as a professional development tool.What happens in physical activity learning spaces is of great significance to the learners that occupy those spaces. Broadly speaking, one cannot deny that education is rife with error, nor can one ignore the presence of global-level issues in physical education. Using a case study approach, this book addresses social and cultural issues that can and do arise in physical education.This book offers a tool for studying and better understanding how social and cultural issues impact student learning in physical education. Chapter authors point toward possibilities for better understanding sociocultural issues in physical education settings.


Sociocultural Issues in Physical Education: Case Studies for Teachers is framed to be useful to a wide range of individuals interested in increasing their sociocultural awareness and knowledge to consider how students¿ experiences are shaped in and through physical education classes. This book may be especially useful to teacher candidates and as a professional development tool.


Introduction: Using Case Studies to Analyze Teaching and Learning in Physical EducationAmy TischlerChapter 1: Physical Education Curriculum in the Age of Cultural Relevance and Popular Physical Activity CultureNate McCaughtry and Erin E. CenteioChapter 2: Shifting Perspectives: Moving Boys to Move in Physical EducationAmy TischlerChapter 3: "PE Doesnt Stand for Physical education it Stands for Public Embarrassment": Voicing Experiences and Proffering Solutions to Girls Disengagement in PEAshley Casey, Joanne Hill, and Victoria A. GoodyearChapter 4: When Boys Talk About Their Bodies: How Boys Learn that persons uselessMichael KehlerChapter 5: Social Class and School Physical Education: Teaching Haves and Have-notsMatthew D. FerryChapter 6: Lost in TranslationBrian CulpChapter 7: The Dangers of a Single Story: Heteronormativity in Physical EducationLeanne Coll, Eimear Enright, and Mary OSullivanChapter 8: Im beautiful: A Case for Adopting a Sociocultural Perspective in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)Laura AzzaritoChapter 9: Promoting Safe Physical Activity in a Challenging EnvironmentBrian CulpChapter 10: Establishing Relationships Built on Care in Urban SchoolsSara Flory

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